Introduce MailMan

MailMan is a Web-based mail list manager that makes it easy for you to create and manage distribution and E-mail discussion lists.


Using a MailMan mailing list for activities such as distributing spam can result in the termination of your Web hosting account.


For each mailing list you add, MailMan creates a separate Web page from which your site's visitors can subscribe and unsubscribe to the list. Each list can have its own administrator, who can manage his or her list using a Web-based administration console. MailMan provides additional features, such as archiving, mail-to-news gateways, integrated bounce handling, spam prevention, E-mail-based administration commands, direct SMTP delivery (with fast bulk mailing) and support for virtual domains.


The number of subscribers you can support depends upon your plan. For pricing and availability, contact support at


This section is designed to get you started with your MailMan mailing lists. It is not designed to provide detailed information on working with the MailMan application. You should review the MailMan documentation available at